Marketing Resources
Be a hero in your community by bringing awareness to vision as a cause by using these resources to spread the word.

Free Resources To Download and Use – NEW

Your voice matters! Essilor Vision Foundation believes we cannot solve the vision crisis in America alone so we created these free tools for you to use that can help raise awareness about the need for vision care for kids across the United States.

Below you will see the Facebook graphics, press release templates, photos, infographics and a video. Download and read how to use the resources.

Download and read how to use the resources.
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Use these infographics in newsletters, emails, and digital marketing assets to spread the word.

Facebook Photos & Messaging

Show your support and engage your audience for the cause of vision by posting photos and messaging that highlight the need for vision care. This resource includes a content calendar too, so you know exactly what to share and when.

EVF Partner Video

This customized video for users in your waiting room or lobby highlights the need and access to vision care across the U.S. for children in need.

Press Release Templates

Use these press release templates to highlight your participation and your efforts to help children across the U.S. who need vision care.

Back-To-School Resources For Eye Doctors

Use these Facebook posts to encourage patients to schedule their back-to-school exams and this printable flyer is great to post in your office to remind patients they can help kids in need.

Get Resources & Stories of Impact

Sign-up to receive monthly stories of lives changed through clear sight, resources to help families and updates on how the vision care gap is closing through EVF’s efforts.

Help A Child See Clearly

Your donation helps provide vision exams and eyeglasses to people in need. Together, we can help everyone see the world clearly.
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