Giving Kids
Clear Sight
Essilor Vision Foundation is proud to join Essilor and Marsai Martin to encourage families to put kids’ vision first. Take the Essilor 20/20 Vision Pledge and join us in helping the next million receive clear sight.
Essilor 2020 Vision Pledge

Make vision a priority by participating in the Essilor 20/20 Vision Pledge. Commit to seek your child's best vision and be entered for a chance to win a comprehensive exam and glasses for your child, and glasses for their entire school! We'll bring the doctors, provide the vision exams and deliver the glasses, all at their school.

The Invisible Problem

Vision issues not only impact the success of children in school; they also affect their ability to function in life. Unlike hunger or tooth decay, vision is an invisible problem—children are often unable to self-identify that their vision is impaired. Children rely on their parents, teachers, and community to be advocates for their vision care. To them, blurred vision is normal.

The Barriers To Care

Vision impairment is one of the most prevalent disabling conditions among children in the U.S.
80% of all vision impairment can be prevented or cured.
Nearly a quarter of parents don’t have the financial resources for their kids’ full vision exams.

You Can Help

Children Soar In Life

Essilor Vision Foundation provides resources to schools, eye doctors, charities, corporations and parents to become advocates for children’s vision health.

Learn more below and access programs and resources to help you make a difference.

Get Resources & Stories of Impact

Sign-up to receive monthly stories of lives changed through clear sight, resources to help families and updates on how the vision care gap is closing through EVF’s efforts.

Help A Child Experience A Magic Moment

What is a magic moment?

Every time a child receives a pair of glasses, magic happens. That child can now see the world clearly and experience magic moments of their own. Glasses provide magic moments throughout a child’s life, from seeing the board in school to catching a ball to seeing a loved one’s smile – moments many of us take for granted every day.

Essilor Vision Foundation is committed to helping everyone have a better life through better sight, because everyone deserves to see clearly.

Every dollar donated helps someone else experience their magic moment.

Why We Do It

Essilor Vision Foundation is a public charity that empowers children to reach their full potential by giving them the ability to see clearly.

How We Do It

By partnering with schools, eyecare professionals, nonprofit charities, and community leaders, Essilor Vision Foundation is able to provide vision exams and glasses to children in need.

We Need You

Essilor Vision Foundation believes that we cannot solve the vision crisis alone—it takes a community to help the millions of children in the U.S. who need vision correction services.

Help A Child See Clearly

Your donation helps provide vision exams and eyeglasses to people in need. Together, we can help everyone see the world clearly.
Donate Now